Exploring the science and geekery surrounding wool.
Could YOU pass this test?
Take a peek inside the 1935 test for the Worsted Yarn Manufacture technological certificate from the City and Guilds of London Institute.

What's Wrong with Lanolin? A Members-Only Deep Dive
In an ironic twist, the push for "cruelty-free" ingredients is only driving the global lanolin market higher.

Five Takes on our Fiber Future
Chilling charts, shifting values, and (literal!) concrete change were just a few of the takeaways from the Natural Fibre Connect conference.

Heatwave: Wearing Wool in the Summer
This may not seem an obvious time to talk about wool. Here in the United States, over 100 million people across 28 states are under some form of a heat-related alert, and conditions are even more critical in the UK and EU. And yet...
She Sells Oyster Shells: Breaking Down SeaWool
Oysters in our Sweaters? Recently I've seen ads for sweaters containing oyster shells. While that may sound like an April Fool's joke, it is not. The fiber is called SeaWool [], and companies are touting it as a revolutionary, eco-friendly fiber that'
Shrinkproofing Wool: A Quick Primer
Love it or hate it, but machine-washable wool has kept the wool industry afloat. Hello, wool-curious humans! Last week I told you about a study [] that suggested machine-washable wool biodegrades three times faster than untreated wool and without releasing any microplastics. Since then, I received

Wool in our Waters?
Buckle up, we're headed into the science lab this week! But for good reason. It's time to talk about wool and microfiber pollution.
She Tortures Wool for a Living: Meet the Woman Helping Revive Commercial Wool Testing in the United States
Greetings from Wool Channel HQ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 🐑 Foundation Flockers, our Flock Talk Q&A is this Monday, August 30th, at 7pm Eastern. Send me your questions, comments, and concerns. This is our time together. 🐑 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I have a new episode of Voices in Wool for you! We meet Dr. Dawn

Can Wool Ease Pain?
Some of us are already true believers. But I've recently discovered—thanks to Foundation Flocker []and longtime friend Sue—that not one but two scientific studies offer compelling evidence that wool clothing and bedding can make our bodies feel better. The first study