Members Only
Welcome! In addition to all the public-facing articles you'll find in the Read section of the website, here are links to all your exclusive Foundation Flock content. The links are listed in order of publication, with the most recent first. Happy reading, watching, and listening!
Five Takes on our Fiber Future
Chilling charts, shifting values, and (literal!) concrete change were just a few of the takeaways from the Natural Fibre Connect conference.

🐑 Flock Talk in One Hour! 🐑
Join me in one hour for our month-end gathering and a preview of what's coming in September.

August Flock Talk
Gather with me on August 31st for our month-end Flock Talk.

A Gorgeous Gansey Escape
Follow a Cornish Gansey from sheep to sea in this gorgeous short film.
A Quick Jaunt to Shetland
Join Mary Jane Mucklestone and Gudrun Johnston in Shetland!
June 2022 Flock Talk
Here's your link to this week's Flock Talk