Members Only
Welcome! In addition to all the public-facing articles you'll find in the Read section of the website, here are links to all your exclusive Foundation Flock content. The links are listed in order of publication, with the most recent first. Happy reading, watching, and listening!
Flock Talk in One Hour!
Won't you join me?

Flock Talk on Saturday!
Hear ye, hear ye! Flock Talk, this Saturday, 7pm EDT.

Flock Talk starts in one hour!
T-minus one hour until Flock Talk!

Flock Talk on Thursday!
It's time for another gathering of the flock!

Let's read together
By popular demand, we're starting our first readalong! Read on for details.

Flock Talk comes early this month!
Mark your calendars for July 24th at 7pm EDT for our monthly gathering of the Flock.

Flock Talk starts in one hour!
I'm looking forward to seeing you soon!

June Flock Talk
Tune in Friday, June 30th, at 7pm EDT!