Members Only
Welcome! In addition to all the public-facing articles you'll find in the Read section of the website, here are links to all your exclusive Foundation Flock content. The links are listed in order of publication, with the most recent first. Happy reading, watching, and listening!
New Quiz, Readalong, Mill for Sale, and Next Flock Talk
Have you taken the new quiz yet? Also: Flock Talk update, our next readalong, and a mill for sale.

Next Book and New Quiz!
Test your knowledge of wool on the high seas, and grab your copy of Worn for our next readalong.

Flock Talk in One Hour!
Put on the kettle and meet me in 60 minutes!

Um... A minor correction
Oops, that should be March 30th!

Flock Talk Saturday!
Join me and the rest of the Flock this Saturday night.

Quiz Time: How well do you know the Boreray breed?
What is this lost flock, and why all the hubbub?
Book group tonight!
Let’s talk books tonight in the Community!

Flock Talk in one hour!
One hour to go!

Flock Talk on Thursday!
Join me this Thursday at 7pm for our month-end gathering of the flock.

Quiz Time: Is there wool in your medicine cabinet?
The next time you pop a vitamin, ask yourself, "Did a sheep make this?"