Members Only
Welcome! In addition to all the public-facing articles you'll find in the Read section of the website, here are links to all your exclusive Foundation Flock content. The links are listed in order of publication, with the most recent first. Happy reading, watching, and listening!
June Flock Talk Livestream Q&A
Hello, Foundation Flockers! Our monthly Flock Talk livestream Q&A, state-of-the-channel report, and monthly woolstraveganza took place on Monday, June 28th, at 7pm EDT. I shared some of what's been happening behind the scenes at TWC HQ, I gave you a whiff of what's coming

Your Members-Only Deep Dive: Wool and the Science of Sleep
Can we talk about the time I caused an international incident related to wool pillows? It all started a few years ago while I was Googling ways to turn my house into one giant sheep. I stumbled upon a wool bedding company called Woolroom. I'd never thought of

Members-Only Deep Dive: Can Wool Save our Soil?
As temperatures rise and drought conditions persist, everything about wool in gardens makes sense. Foundation Flockers, it's time for a deep dive—or maybe I should say deep dig—into the world of wool and soil.