Wool bedding for a good night's rest
Can Wool Ease Pain?
Some of us are already true believers. But I've recently discovered—thanks to Foundation Flocker []and longtime friend Sue—that not one but two scientific studies offer compelling evidence that wool clothing and bedding can make our bodies feel better. The first study

Your Members-Only Deep Dive: Wool and the Science of Sleep
Can we talk about the time I caused an international incident related to wool pillows? It all started a few years ago while I was Googling ways to turn my house into one giant sheep. I stumbled upon a wool bedding company called Woolroom. I'd never thought of

Sheep Dreams
Counting sheep can help us fall asleep. But being wrapped up in wool is the magic key to falling and staying asleep. I'm talking about wool bedding. And yes, this even in the summer. The secret is wool's ability to regulate body heat and transfer moisture