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The Wool Wire | May 1, 2024
Sweaters for sunscreen, wool lipstick, a Midwest wool revival, and a ridiculously expensive bale
Your magic link to today's special message
Peekaboo! Here's a special month-end Flock video for you.

New Quiz, Readalong, Mill for Sale, and Next Flock Talk
Have you taken the new quiz yet? Also: Flock Talk update, our next readalong, and a mill for sale.

The Wool Wire | April 17, 2024
Venture to the Faroe Islands, watch Bishu Wool get made in Japan, nod to Icebreaker's plastic-free mea culpa, and celebrate wool sweaters forever
The Wool Wire | April 4, 2024
Healing our soil with wool, plus a regenerative primer, a new puffy startup, the perspective of a big player, encouraging consumer trends, and wool slippers on parade
Next Book and New Quiz!
Test your knowledge of wool on the high seas, and grab your copy of Worn for our next readalong.

Flock Talk in One Hour!
Put on the kettle and meet me in 60 minutes!

Um... A minor correction
Oops, that should be March 30th!

Flock Talk Saturday!
Join me and the rest of the Flock this Saturday night.

Quiz Time: How well do you know the Boreray breed?
What is this lost flock, and why all the hubbub?