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Allbirds, Five Years On
In 2016, a California startup with a wildly successful Kickstarter campaign [] released a product that would profoundly alter the wool landscape. The early 21st century can be divided in two: BA and AA. Before Allbirds and After Allbirds. Allbirds didn't directly

Behind the Cover Photo Montage
Every picture holds a story, and this picture holds six stories that deserve to be told. Here they are, from left to right. Those are my hands knitting a deliciously bulky, easy strip of stripes out of my Clara Yarn Cormo 3.0. It's a neck cozy and

A Tiny Sheep and Big Beginnings
Welcome to the first weekly email broadcast from The Wool Channel! We're still in launch mode. While we wait for everyone to come inside and take their seats, I thought I'd introduce you to the sheep that's been keeping me company here at TWC

Ram on the Run!
Earlier this week, a two-year-old Icelandic ram made international headlines after it chased a cyclist down an Ontario road for more than a kilometer. The ram, named Ozzy, had snuck out of a nearby farm and was defending his territory against this most peculiar intruder. Lucky for us, there'

The Deal with Vitamin D3
What could this bottle of vitamin D3 have to do with The Wool Channel? Is this an ad? Have you signed up for a pyramid scheme? Will essential oils be next? No, no, no! I come bearing the kind of news we will celebrate here at Ye Wool Channel. It