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How Well do Shepherds Know their Sheep?
We know that sheep have the capacity to remember the faces of other sheep and humans. A 2001 report [] made this clear, noting that sheep can remember as many as 50 faces. More remarkable is the fact that sheep can even recognize photographs [https:

Words in Wool: Whither are our Bellwethers?
A surprising amount of our vocabulary owes its very existence to the legacy of sheep and their wool. Let's celebrate this legacy in a new segment, Words in Wool. We begin with a word that foretells trends to come: bellwether. According to Merriam-Webster, "bellwether" first appeared

Members-Only Deep Dive: Can Wool Save our Soil?
As temperatures rise and drought conditions persist, everything about wool in gardens makes sense. Foundation Flockers, it's time for a deep dive—or maybe I should say deep dig—into the world of wool and soil.

A Gift for the Garden: Wool Pellets
Our heaviest woolens may be headed for summer storage, but another incarnation of wool is ready for duty in the garden. Introducing wool pellets from Wild Valley Farms []. Yes, you heard me, wool pellets. We have wood pellets for stoves and food pellets for our guinea

Icebug Eide Woolpower Shoes
Let's get this out of the way right now: These shoes are only 50% wool, the rest is a synthetic mix. Which I didn't know until I'd ordered a pair, opened the box, put them on, and fallen in love. The rest of what

A Mill of One’s Own
It's Earth Day, and I'm eager to tell you about a bundle of wooly goodness that just reached me from a farm in England. It is redolent of sheep. Not the spicy fragrance of spinning oil we often equate with wool yarn, but the bright and

Where There's a Wool: The Zero-Waste Pencil Tin Set
How could a pencil tin combat clattering contents and global warming, wildfires, and plastic pollution? I tackle those questions this week with a video unboxing of the Zero-Waste Pencil Tin Set [

A Magic Square
Get ready, I'm about to wax poetic about a $28 square of fabric. Before you say I've lost my mind, hear me out. It's been over a year since I've packed a bag and gone anywhere. Maybe you haven't either?