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June Flock Talk Livestream Q&A

Hello, Foundation Flockers! Our monthly Flock Talk livestream Q&A, state-of-the-channel report, and monthly woolstraveganza took place on Monday, June 28th, at 7pm EDT. I shared some of what's been happening behind the scenes at TWC HQ, I gave you a whiff of what's coming

June Flock Talk Livestream Q&A
Members Free

What's that? You want the link?

Hello again! Well that was funny. Apparently a very critical bit of Javascript got eaten in the email I just sent out. It's alive and well on the website [], but, alas, not in your inboxes. Lesson learned. So without further ado, may I

Members Free

Listen to Voices in Wool

It's been busier than usual here in wooltown, and for good reason. I'm excited to share the first episode of a new audio segment called Voices in Wool. Each episode features a conversation with someone whose life touches, or is touched by, wool. In this first

Listen to Voices in Wool
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Your Members-Only Deep Dive: Wool and the Science of Sleep

Can we talk about the time I caused an international incident related to wool pillows? It all started a few years ago while I was Googling ways to turn my house into one giant sheep. I stumbled upon a wool bedding company called Woolroom. I'd never thought of

Your Members-Only Deep Dive: Wool and the Science of Sleep
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Sheep Dreams

Counting sheep can help us fall asleep. But being wrapped up in wool is the magic key to falling and staying asleep. I'm talking about wool bedding. And yes, this even in the summer. The secret is wool's ability to regulate body heat and transfer moisture

Sheep Dreams
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A Big Week for Wool

A funny thing happened last week. On Thursday, a kind reader emailed me to say Vanishing Fleece was Audible's daily deal. Not being familar with Audible's marketing mechanisms, I didn't know what to make of it. I'm proud of the audiobook, and

A Big Week for Wool
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The Hoodie Conundrum

It was a chilly, drizzly Memorial Day weekend here in Maine. While many visitors stayed away, my brother loaded his family in the car and made their annual pilgrimage up from Boston. They drove five hours each way so they could enjoy 48 hours of off-the-grid tranquility in an unheated

The Hoodie Conundrum
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Staying Vertical: A Mill Tour

Fresh from last week's archival BBC sheep-recognition footage, we're still in the UK for a quick tour through one of the country's older vertical woolen mills. Originally, the term "vertical" was a literal description of how a mill operated. Vertical mills relied

Staying Vertical: A Mill Tour
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Reminder: Flock Talk Livestream Q&A Tomorrow Night!

Reminder: Flock Talk Livestream Q&A Tomorrow Night!
Members Free

Jubilee Got a Haircut: Members-Only Live-Shearing at Wing and a Prayer Farm

Jubilee Got a Haircut: Members-Only Live-Shearing at Wing and a Prayer Farm