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Voices in Wool: How Marie Hoff is Helping Heal the Planet One Wool Sponge at a Time
Who knew washing your breakfast dishes and preventing wildfires had anything in common? Marie Hoff, that's who. Last week I told you about the wool sponges Marie has been selling []. They've gone gangbusters. Today we sit down with Marie and talk

Wet Wool and Dirty Dishes: Meet Your New Sponge
Most of us have spent a lifetime training ourselves to keep our woolens as far away from food (or dishes containing food) as possible. But today I am going to suggest that you do quite the opposite. I'm going to introduce a form of wool that actually wants
Women in Wool
It's been a big week for women in wool—from ranching and shearing to designing, knitting, and the wearing of one very special wool gown. The Woman in Wool On Monday, the Met Gala took place in New York City. Organized by Vogue, the annual fundraiser benefits the

From Sheep to Sweater in Three Minutes
Hello and happy Thursday, wool people! After last week's American Wool-produced shearing video [], my inbox was full to overflowing with pleas for more. I'm with you. The entertainment industry has yet to wake up to the extraordinary storytelling potential

Wooly Coolers, the Bird Flies, and an American Road Trip
Greetings, wool-curious humans! 🐑 Foundation Flockers, I surprised our Monday livestream Q&A with a special treat. Dr. Dawn Brown popped in and gave us a behind-the-scenes tour of the wool lab in San Angelo. If you missed it, you can find the replay here [
She Tortures Wool for a Living: Meet the Woman Helping Revive Commercial Wool Testing in the United States
Greetings from Wool Channel HQ! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 🐑 Foundation Flockers, our Flock Talk Q&A is this Monday, August 30th, at 7pm Eastern. Send me your questions, comments, and concerns. This is our time together. 🐑 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I have a new episode of Voices in Wool for you! We meet Dr. Dawn