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A Metric Ton of Wool Socks? OK!

For those of you who aren't yet familiar with Noodle, he's a 13-year-old pug who Jonathan Graziano uses to determine what kind of day we're going to have. In charmingly narrated TikTok videos [] (and on Instagram [https://www.instagram.

A Metric Ton of Wool Socks? OK!
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Booting Fleece to the Curb: Part II

When we last talked about replacing polyester fleece with wool [], I was waiting for another package to arrive from Canada. The package in question contained a brand new 100% Merino wool fleece sweatshirt from a small Vancouver-based company called Simply Merino []

Booting Fleece to the Curb: Part II
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Shrinkproofing Wool: A Quick Primer

Love it or hate it, but machine-washable wool has kept the wool industry afloat. Hello, wool-curious humans! Last week I told you about a study [] that suggested machine-washable wool biodegrades three times faster than untreated wool and without releasing any microplastics. Since then, I received

Shrinkproofing Wool: A Quick Primer
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October Flock Talk Livestream Q&A

October Flock Talk Livestream Q&A
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Wool in our Waters?

Buckle up, we're headed into the science lab this week! But for good reason. It's time to talk about wool and microfiber pollution.

Wool in our Waters?
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Booting that Polyester Fleece to the Curb

I love when my worlds collide. This week I received a text from an old friend whose name knitters and handspinners will recognize: Jillian Moreno []. Jillian is smart. She knows everything about yarn and fiber. This time, she had a clothing question. "May I impose

Booting that Polyester Fleece to the Curb
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Your Secret Code from Woolroom

Your Secret Code from Woolroom
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Rhinebeck Storytime

> 🐑 Foundation Flockers! When it rains it pours. Check your inbox in 10 minutes for a 10% discount code from Woolroom. It'll also be accessible via this link [] in 10 minutes. If you're not yet a member of the flock, here&

Rhinebeck Storytime
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Your Chill Angel Discount Code

Your Chill Angel Discount Code
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Sweet Dreams in Sheepy PJs, Anyone?

Back in July, we talked about wool's power to lull us to sleep. Here's the link in case you missed it. Sheep DreamsCounting sheep can help us fall asleep. But being wrapped up in wool is the magic key to falling and staying asleep. I’m

A pink and gray nightgown draped on a cozy flannel-topped wool comforter.