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Tales from the Flock Talk
For those of you who couldn't make it to our February Flock Talk, I bring the Flock Talk to you!

The Wool Wire | February 22, 2023
Everything old is new again, reclaiming Irish wool pride, what a difference a baler makes, rediscovering dryer balls, pros and cons of wool compost, keeping calves toasty, and the real challenge of making in America.

What's Wrong with Lanolin? A Members-Only Deep Dive
In an ironic twist, the push for "cruelty-free" ingredients is only driving the global lanolin market higher.

The Wool Wire | February 8, 2023
Shearing truths, socking it to Putin, restoring ancient peatland, celebrating a 50-year-old Minnesota lamb and wool program, grazing the ruins of Pompeii, and the potential for yarn to bring about change.
The Wool Wire | January 25, 2023
From acoustic panels and house construction to seaweed farms, hydroponics, and bandages, we're celebrating what happens when government and industry and education come together for wool. Also, follow 10,000 sheep on their annual trek through Wyoming.
Mythical Breeds and Magic Marketing: A Foundation Flock Exclusive
In which we attempt to draw the line between inspired marketing and factual nonsense, one luxury brand at a time.

The Wool Wire | January 11, 2023
Australia's Avington Merino, German wool futures, Smartwool's plus-sizes, South Dakota's wool story, knitted suits, Kyrgyz felting, and shearing schools