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The Wool Wire | July 12, 2023

Wool sponges, Sheep Inc. and Woolroom's regenerative efforts, UW's wool judging team, Frankenmuth's expansion, welcome wool for preemies, and finding a home for wool scientist Harold Carter's archives

The Wool Wire | July 12, 2023
Members Free

Flock Talk starts in one hour!

I'm looking forward to seeing you soon!

Flock Talk starts in one hour!
Members Free

June Flock Talk

Tune in Friday, June 30th, at 7pm EDT!

June Flock Talk
Members Free

The Wool Wire | June 28, 2023

NZ shearers trounced, wool prices stay low, Duckworth goes vertical, Kashmir's Namda rugs, Smartwool takes smelly socks, wool detergent round-up, and UK's best yarn shops

The Wool Wire | June 28, 2023
Members Free

Three Quick Tidbits for the Flock!

Three Quick Tidbits for the Flock!
Members Free

The Wool Wire | June 14, 2023

Defleecing the fleeced, honoring Donegal couture, cheering college wool judging teams, walking on wool, and exploring our 11,000 years with sheep.

The Wool Wire | June 14, 2023
Members Free

Closet Cooties Part Three: They All Lived Happily Ever After

Now that we've learned about identifying and treating moth and beetle infestations, it's time to create a plan for a happy future.

Closet Cooties Part Three: They All Lived Happily Ever After
Members Free

The Wool Wire | June 1, 2023

Meet an American wool legend, save sphagnum, bake sweaters, snoop with blockchain, honor Kazakh shepherds, and learn about the next generation of prizewinning female shearers.

The Wool Wire | June 1, 2023
Members Free

Flock Talk Starts in One Hour!

Is it true that women make the best sheep farmers? My guest this month says YES.

Flock Talk Starts in One Hour!
Members Free

Time for our May Flock Talk!

Meet a member of an American wool dynasty and find out what gives her hope for the future.

Time for our May Flock Talk!