A Quick Dose of Cozy

Greetings from Wool Channel headquarters, where it is currently Thanksgiving day. Perhaps it is for you too? Or maybe it's just another Thursday in November. That works too.
I'm keeping Wool Shorts short today, with a brand new video for you and a bonus vocabulary word if you keep scrolling.
Stop-motion animation producers Andrea Love and Phoebe Wahl created this charming new holiday music video for Ingrid Michaelson and Zooey Deschanel. It takes lanate* stop-motion storytelling to entirely new heights.
* Bonus Word!
Lanate (pronounced lay-nate) is an adjective derived from the Latin word for wool, lana. It refers to something that is covered with fine hair or hairlike fibers. Could be cotton, but more often it's wool. In the winter, my lanate wardrobe keeps me cozy.
Your homework for the week: Use lanate in a sentence at least three times. Let me know how you do!