From Divas to Escape Artists: A New Episode of Voices in Wool
I put out a call for shepherds to share stories of their favorite sheep. And respond they did! What's it like to live with sheep? Do they have personalities? And do shepherds have favorites? Of course most people know that the answer to all three questions is a
Flocks and Fibs
Greetings and happy New Year! Since we last spoke, the sheep have been busy. One of my favorite sheep-related people on Instagram is Pálína Axelsdóttir Njarðvík, better known as @farmlifeiceland []. Pálína has made a name for herself by sharing gorgeous, funny, tender photos and videos

December Flock Talk Livestream
Oh my goodness, we talked about everything, from wool mattress protectors for children to whether or not you can hand wash a sweater marked "dry clean only."

Ten Balm Books
Hello, my dearest wool people! A very big thanks to those of you who took the time to record your sheep stories and send them to me. This special Voices in Wool episode in which shepherds tell us about their favorite sheep is shaping up to be truly extraordinary. There&

She Sells Oyster Shells: Breaking Down SeaWool
Oysters in our Sweaters? Recently I've seen ads for sweaters containing oyster shells. While that may sound like an April Fool's joke, it is not. The fiber is called SeaWool [], and companies are touting it as a revolutionary, eco-friendly fiber that'
Submit Your Sheep Story
Hooray! I want to hear all about this remarkable sheep of yours. What made it so special? Was it smart, or generous, or silly, or mischievous? Or was it simply a really good friend? You can submit your story in two ways: 1. Call TWC's voicemail at 888-653-5558
Wool Takes a Trip: The Shepherd's Wool Utility Cloth in Action
Greetings, wool people! Welcome to December. This week I'm giving you all a sneak peek into our latest members-only livestream, which took place last Tuesday. (Foundation Flockers, you can find the replay here []. I've added timestamped bookmarks so that you can

November Flock Talk
This month we talked about everything from recycling woolens to nylon-free sock yarn alternatives. Also: Is there ever a time when a polyester blend is a good thing?

A Quick Dose of Cozy
Greetings from Wool Channel headquarters, where it is currently Thanksgiving day. Perhaps it is for you too? Or maybe it's just another Thursday in November. That works too. I'm keeping Wool Shorts short today, with a brand new video for you and a bonus vocabulary word

A Metric Ton of Wool Socks? OK!
For those of you who aren't yet familiar with Noodle, he's a 13-year-old pug who Jonathan Graziano uses to determine what kind of day we're going to have. In charmingly narrated TikTok videos [] (and on Instagram [https://www.instagram.