Hello! I'm Clara Parkes. I'm an advocate for wool, and I invite you to join me.
Together we’ll learn why it’s crucial that we use wool not only for socks and sweaters, but also in new and innovative ways.
We discuss sheep farming and regenerative practices and climate change; we look at how wool can replace synthetics in a wide range of products from garden compost and insulation, to packaging and bandages.
If there’s a wool connection, we go there.
You can support wool advocacy by joining the Foundation Flock.
Or join 7000+ wool-wise subscribers and receive my free Wool Wire newsletter. And, if you want to help spread the wool word, please consider joining the Foundation Flock. Your support keeps me going.
New Quiz: Wooly Words and Proverbs
Let's give your vocabulary a work-out!
The Wool Wire | January 15, 2025
The power of grazing sheep to help heal the soil and mitigate the effects of climate change. Also, grazing for wildfire prevention and solar panel maintenance, plus wool air filters.
Book group tonight!
Join us at 7pm EST
The Wool Wire - January 2, 2025
New uses for native and rare breeds, a Northeast Fiber Exchange on the way, putting Ireland back into Irish sweaters and blankets, a trial run for Rhody Rug, and Delta adds wool to its seats
Flock Talk starts in one hour!
Put on your party hat and join us in an hour.